Pandemic Vaccine Virus

Double-vaxxed and triple-vaxxed

If you’ve had two Covid vaccines already, from either Moderna or Pfizer (or a combination of both), you have been double vaxxed. If you’ve had the booster you are triple vaxxed. Or triple jabbed. They’ll be a blog post for double jabbed and triple jabbed in due course.

There is an entry in the Collins Dictionary for “double vaxxed which is defined as “having received two vaccinations against a disease Also: double-jabbed.”

The Cambridge Dictionary’s definition for double vaxxed along with some examples is as follows: “having received two vaccinations against a disease, especially Covid-19:

-She wasn’t worried about Covid because she was double-vaxxed.
-Only double-vaxxed people were allowed into the country.”

A cursory search for “double vaxxed” revealed the following headlines:

The National Post – January 26, 2022: “Survey finds a growing divide between double-vaxxed and boosted people” (Osman).

The New Straits Times – April 21, 2022: “Over half a million children double vaxxed against Covid-19” (Basyir).

I did not find a dictionary entry for the term “triple vaxxed” but it does appear in many online news articles such as the one published for The New Zealand Herald on 8 April 2022. Entitled “Covid 19 Omicron: Triple-vaxxed journalist Tracey Spicer crushed by long Covid,” the article reports on the Australian journalist, who, despite being double jabbed and boosted, contracted the omicron variant of Covid-19 that left her bedridden for a couple of weeks, with a severe cough, fatigue and chest pain (New Zealand Herald).

A January 14, 2022 article published for Slate magazine and entitled “So You’re Triple-Vaxxed and Still Got COVID. Now What?” contains a sobering reminder that even with two vaccines and a booster your protection against Covid-19 may only be good for a few months before another mutant variant appears that is vaccine resistant (Palus).

Social Media Trends as of April 29, 2022

Facebook #doublevaxxed: 6,600 people are posting about this
Instagram #doublevaxxed: 11,089 posts
TikTok #doublevaxxed: 14.8 million views
YouTube #doublevaxxed: less than 100 videos and channels

Facebook #triplevaxxed: 1,800 people are posting about this
Instagram #triplevaxxed: 2,372 posts
TikTok #triplevaxxed: 5.1 million views

Google Trends: double vaxxed wasn’t even a blip until the week of April 4, 2021 when vaccines started to become widely available. The level of interest peaked during the week of October 17, 2021 when the booster shots were being recommended. The popularity went down to almost where it was a year ago. triple vaxxed did not register any interest until the week of August 8, 2021 when the government discussed the rollout of the third vaccine, known as a booster. The omicron variant spread rapidly throughout the fall of 2021 with the result that the triple vaxxed search term peaked during the week of December 18 when people were lining up to get their booster shot.

double vaxxed search term
triple vaxxed search term


Basyir, Mohamed. “Over half a million children double vaxxed against Covid-19.” The New Straits Times. April 21, 2022. URL:

“Covid 19 Omicron: Triple-vaxxed journalist Tracey Spicer crushed by long Covid.” New Zealand Herald. 8 April 2022. URL:

“Double vaxxed.” Cambridge Dictionary. URL:

“Double vaxxed.” Collins Dictionary. URL:

Osman, Laura. “Survey finds a growing divide between double-vaxxed and boosted people.” National Post. The Canadian Press. January 26, 2022. URL:

Palus, Shannon. “So You’re Triple-Vaxxed and Still Got COVID. Now What?” Slate. January 14, 2022. URL: