

Covid-15 refers to the amount of weight gained during lockdown and quarantine when physical activity was at its lowest and the temptation to visit the fridge was always there. The ’15’ is measured pounds.

The earliest reference I could find for Covid-15 were two entries in the Urban Dictionary for March and June 2020:

Definition #1: “The 15 lbs of weight gain caused by nervously binge eating your COVID-19 food stockpile.

-Oh man, I shouldn’t have eaten the Costco box of ramen, I’m one step closer to hitting my COVID-15″ (one of many).

Definition #2: “Much like the Freshman 15 when a student starts college he gains 15 pounds, the Covid 15 is when people start to gain weight due to inactivity during the Coronavirus pandemic.

The gym has been closed for so long I think I gained the Covid 15” (newyy1).

To resist the urge to snack while remote working or binge watching Netflix, eat at normal meal times and in moderation. Have healthy snacks on hand like fruit and vegetables instead of chocolate and candy. Don’t over eat or under eat. An article published for The Elliot Hospital website has these tips for staying healthy when you’re home:

“Keeping a food journal is a great way to be aware of ‘mindless’ eating that comes with stress or boredom. Be sure to keep tempting foods out of the house, like chips or bite size chocolates (they add up!).

If you must grab an unhealthy snack, be sure to read the label for serving size and stick to one serving.

Get out of the kitchen! Go for a walk, pick up a book, or make a phone call to a friend to keep your mind off of food.”

Here is a video from News Channel 3-15 featuring helpful advice from Dr. Derek Alessi on how to reverse the weight gain accrued during lockdown. Even though the video is almost two years old, the tips are still relevant, particularly for remote workers!

Social Media Trends as of May 31, 2022

Facebook #covid15: people are posting about this
Instagram #covid15: 10,350 posts
TikTok #covid15: 4.4 million views
YouTube #covid15: less than 100 videos and channels

Google Trends: Covid 15 reached its peak in popularity during the week of March 22, 2020 when everyone was in lockdown.

covid 15 search term


“Confronting the COVID-15: Tips for staying healthy while staying home.” The Elliot Hospital. URL:,%2Dcalled%20%E2%80%9CCOVID%2015.%E2%80%9D.

News Channel 3-12. “Reversing the COVID-15 weight gain with Dr Derek Alessi.” YouTube. Sep 2, 2020. URL:

newyy1. “Covid-15.” Urban Dictionary. June 8, 2020. URL:

One of Many. “Covid-15.” Urban Dictionary. March 13, 2020. URL:

Winnie the Pooh weight gain meme. April 2020. URL:

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