

A blog post on KevinMD which discusses how new words were added to the covid lexicon defined “coronator” as the definition of someone who has recovered from the coronavirus (Maclellan-Tobert).

Coronator, which is a noun, is also found in the Urban Dictionary:

“Coronator – someone who recovers from corona virus.
Ruby just recovered from the corona virus. She is a badass Coronator.”

There isn’t much about this word in social media other than Instagram, however, as it did appear in the Urban Dictionary and a blog post I decided to include it. What’s interesting is the blogger’s description of how new words come into existence due to special circumstances:

It is fascinating that Merriam-Webster added 535 new words to their online dictionary in April with this explanation, “A new word is entered in our dictionary when evidence shows it in frequent use by many writers. Usually, this process takes at least a few years, but there are extraordinary cases when a new term enters the language and immediately becomes part of our collective daily vocabulary. Such is the case with the language of the current pandemic.”


Social Media Trends as of October 31, 2022

TikTok #coronator: 22,400 views


Maclellan-Tobert, Susan. “The new words from the coronavirus pandemic.” KevinMD. May 28, 2020. URL:

mirage88. “Coronator.” Urban Dictionary. March 15, 2020. URL:

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