Pandemic Pandemic Movie

Alone Together

“We’re so conditioned to achieve things and to find the perfect mate and then the world shuts down.”

Alone Together is a romantic comedy directed by Katie Holmes who also plays the leading character June. The movie is set in March 2020 around the time the pandemic began. June is a food critic and lives in New York City which is just starting to shut down due to Covid-19. Looking to escape city life for a while, June plans a romantic getaway to upstate New York to meet her boyfriend, John, at an Air BnB. After a series of mishaps involving her journey there, June ends up taking Lyft to her accommodation only to find out it’s been double booked and a man called Charlie is staying there. As pandemic restrictions start to kick in, the couple are forced to live with each other for a time and John is unable to make the journey there due to taking care of his parents. The unlikely couple share aspects of their life with each other and soon grow close.

The New York Times gave a thumbs up to the movie and said its “strongest appeal is in the resonance between what the characters experience and what the world looks like now. But Holmes also finds grace notes as a director. She stages painterly angles for upstate interiors and keeps the mood mellow, allowing her characters to converse without pushing for laughs or sentimental theatrics. Her film is a quiet achievement: a movie that isn’t running from reality” (Bugbee).

The movie had a limited theatrical release in the United States on July 22, 2022 and was available for streaming on July 29, 2022. It’s available to rent on Amazon Prime Video (IMDB). Click below to watch the Alone Together trailer.

courtesy of YouTube

Social Media Trends as of August 7, 2022

Facebook #alonetogether: people are posting about this.


“Alone Together.” IMDB. URL:

Bugbee Teo. “‘Alone Together’ Review: Finding Love in a Pandemic Retreat.” New York Times. July 21, 2022. URL:

Movie Coverage channel. “ALONE TOGETHER Trailer (2022) Katie Holmes.” YouTube. June 12, 2022. URL:

“Alone Together” movie poster. YouTube. URL:

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